Ex-Scientologist Story #181, Aaron Saxton, whistleblower against Scientology.

True stories about a nasty cult.


From the Wikipedia:  A New Zealander, Aaron Saxton was born into the Scientology organisation. His parents were Scientologists.   Saxton’s father committed suicide when he was 14, and this had a significant impact on him.   At age 15 he joined the Scientology group called the Sea Org, an elite unit within the organisation.   After joining Scientology staff, Saxton moved to work with the organisation in Sydney, Australia.   Saxton’s mother signed over guardianship of her son to Scientology when he was 16 years old.   Saxton was assigned to become a security officer for the organisation.   According to Saxton staff in Scientology were not given sufficient drugs or medical attention, and so he removed his own teeth without usage of medication for pain.”

Aaron was made a security guard, a position that exposed him to see some very interestring, and illegal, things.  Worse still he participated in the use of L. Ron Hubbard’s “fair game” policy.   The following is taken from the “Village Voice Blog,”

During his time as a security guard at the church in Sydney — a job he started at 16 — Saxton says he assisted in the “forced confinement and torture” of a female church member who was kept under “house arrest” on a farm in western NSW for a month, after she began screaming outside the front of the church headquarters. He also details how church officials bullied pregnant staff members into aborting their babies.”The staff that got pregnant were taken into offices and put under duress,” he wrote.

“They were informed that their getting pregnant was not in line with the Sea Org [Sea Organisation, an elite division of Scientology] plans, and that their departure represented a failure for the greatest good and that they should abort.”

Many women were demoted — or “assigned to lower conditions” — if they refused an abortion, he wrote.

“At the time I assigned the [lower] conditions it was always in the hope that the person would miscarry the child or abort at a later date,” his letter says.

“We had one staff member who used a coat hanger and self-aborted her child . . . all her files were destroyed.”

Saxton also admits in his statement to helping track down 10 staff members who left the church “without authorisation,” and misusing confidential information — including priestly confessions — held in their personal files.

“We used the information to call banks and cancel credit cards,” his letter states.

“We used the information to falsely contact airlines and cancel their tickets [by pretending to be them].”

All of the revelations by Aaron Saxton couldn’t have come about at a mor inopportune time for Scientology.  With declining membership elsewhere in the world they were making a major push in Australia.


Published in: on June 10, 2011 at 9:23 am  Leave a Comment  

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