Ex-Scientologist story #175, Defectors, Strength in numbers.

True Stories about a nasty Cult.

Steve Hall was one of the main players in the Scientology horror show depicted in the Sunday, August 2, issue of The St. Petersurg Times story, Strength in Their Numbers: More Church of Scientology Defectors Come Foreward With Accounts of Abuse.

Steve Hall replayed his memory of a meeting when Miscavige grabbed the heads of two church executives and knocked them together. One came away with a bloody ear.


Like countless college kids in the mid 1970s, Steve Hall was searching for meaning in life. He stumbled across a personality test he picked up a couple of years earlier at a Rolling Stones concert and stuck in a drawer.

He sent it in and got a call. “I asked the girl what Scientology was, and she said it’s a way you can become more aware. … She summed up everything that I wanted at the time.”

Hall got involved with the church to the point that his mother hired a “deprogrammer” from Los Angeles to come to Dallas and get her son out. Hall says he threatened to kill the guy if he ever contacted his mother again.

In the mid 1980s, Hall landed what he imagined would be his dream assignment: A position living and working at the 500-acre “Int” base, east of Los Angeles, home to top church executives and Golden Era Productions, the church’s media and publications division.

But it was no dream.

“There was this incredible atmosphere of people not being in communication. People seemed afraid to speak to each other. … Nobody was laughing for the most part. It was very somber and solemn. … That did not at all seem in keeping with anything I’d ever experienced with Scientology because Hall joined the church marketing unit in 1987, which brought him into more frequent contact with Miscavige, who holds the title Chairman of the Board, or COB. Halleverywhere else I’d been it was just the reverse. People were laughing and joking.” said it was a shock the first time he saw Miscavige attack an executive, Ray Mithoff. The second time was like something out of a cartoon.

Hall says Miscavige came up behind two seated executives — Marc Yager and Guillaume Lesevre — grabbed their heads and banged them together. Then he ground them against each other. Lesevre had blood coming out of his ear.

Then came the time when Hall and about 20 others were summoned to the Religious Technology Center headquarters. “You don’t get called up to Building 50 because it’s some good news or something fun. It was always like everybody would literally be in terror. You were supposed to sprint from wherever you were up to Building 50, which is way the hell up the hill.”

The group took their seats, the chairs in rows, spaced about 2 to 3 feet apart in all directions. Huffing and puffing, Hall said he worked to keep his breathing under control, so he wouldn’t get singled out.

“You end up waiting a long time. Nobody f—— breathes, no one says anything. It’s dead quiet. You could hear a pin drop. Everybody’s just … waiting. Then finally COB walks in.

“He starts walking amongst us. Never says a word. Just stops and glares at each person. Sometimes he stops and sometimes he doesn’t stop. When he got in front of me he stopped, he looked at me, I looked back at him, careful not to seem to be resisting or whatever.

“He took a step forward. He stopped. He looked back at me again. He backed up, he looked at me even closer. He said, ‘He’s out-ethics. That son of a b—- is out-ethics,’ ” he’s breaking the rules of Scientology.

“Then he walked on, he walked down the aisle, looked at a couple other people, turned to start going down the next aisle right where Marc Yager was sitting on the end. And then suddenly, without warning, he starts slapping the bejesus out of Marc Yager, open-handed.”

There were as many as 10 head slaps. Yager didn’t resist, just put his arms up and took it.

For Hall, the last straw came in November 2003. Hall wrote scripts for Scientology videos and had been assigned to work under Mike Rinder, the church’s chief spokesman. Hall says he had creative differences with Miscavige, which was a problem, because nobody is to question the COB.

Miscavige came by to see an edited video. “He ordered Mike and me stand shoulder to shoulder. … So Rinder and I are pressed up against each other, and right up in front of us is DM … and he says, ‘Play the video.’ “

The video over, Miscavige drew close. “We’re standing there sort of at attention. He looks at me, he looks at Rinder. He looks at me, he looks back at Rinder. And then suddenly, with violence, he flashed his arms up and grabbed Mike Rinder’s head and body-slammed his head into the cherry wood cabinets.

“He lifted Mike Rinder nearly off of his feet and smashed his head into the wall, and he banged his head into the wall three times, just BANG, BANG, BANG!”

A dozen others watched. “But everybody’s afraid to move, because anything you did would be like, ‘Are you making me wrong?’ Don’t make COB wrong. So if you showed any kind of reaction or upset, you would be, ‘making COB wrong.’ “

Miscavige left the room. “Rinder stood there with his hair mussed, his shirttail out and red marks on his face.”

“It so could have been me,” Hall said. “And that was the message I got was that you’re next.”

Rinder said Miscavige abused him so often that his recollections of specific attacks sometimes run together. Asked about Hall’s account, he said, “That happened more than once.”

Though long disillusioned with his life in the Sea Org, Hall said he didn’t want to leave his wife, who was also a staffer. He finally accepted that he had to give up her and everything else.

His last day, church security went through his belongings and confiscated photos of his wife. They videotaped a lawyer posing questions and Hall taking blame for any problems he had with the church. He also promised never to sue the church.

“I had one last goodbye with my wife. … They told me she doesn’t want to go with you and it was her decision, we didn’t influence her in any way. They said you could talk … they led us to rooms.”

In tears, they hugged. “She told me all the rooms were bugged. She whispered all the rooms were bugged and they could probably hear it.”

Published in: on May 30, 2011 at 11:18 pm  Leave a Comment  

Ex-Scientologist story #174, “Insane Orders.”



In a post on ARS, Jan. 22, 1998. Larry Nobs, a former Scientology offical, tells why he quit the cult. 

I had married a scientologist in my early years and had two children. Over a year ago I received a disconnection notice from my oldest child. At 16 years of age she was going to sign a seven year work contract for about $2 an hour pay. I told her I didn’t care what her religion was but joining staff was a bad idea.

Bang! Disconnect Notice – Goodbye Forever.

Well this past week I received letter number one from my son.

He is 15 years of age and plans on signing a five year contract this summer.

Everyone who knows the scientology pts/sp handling policy can tell you that when you get letter number one – the game is over. It doesn’t matter how eloquent or convincing you might be – the organization has the child under control.

Your responses are culled for any negative comments or sarcasm.

You have two choices. Either compromise your integrity and agree it is ok to join the organization and promise to never speak your mind again or lose communication with your loved one.

It’s almost funny after all these years that the readings I did still ring in my head.

I started to remember the Code of Honour.

Never compromise your own integrity.

Never fear to hurt another in a just cause.

I am following the code now.

I am sure they will not let my son read this posting, but then again the same is probably true of the hand written letter. But I will respond to his letter.

Son I know you now believe you are helping the only group on the planet who has a chance to save the world.

It is admirable that your heart is in theright place. But you do not truely know this group. The world is large and if you feel you want to benefit mankind with self-sacrificing work there are many groups which would welcome your help.

If everything which was written by Ron Hubbard were true the common man would have rallied behind his work and after more than 40 years we would be well on our way to a world without crime and without insanity.

Millions of people have walked through scientology’s doors and when they found contradiction upon contradiction and heavy handed sales techniques and extreme peer pressure they left.

If a lifetime is a wink of an eye, then I can surely wait a few years for you to discover this for yourself.

I will give all of you a brief history then sign off. I got involved in scientology at 13 years of age. I joined the sea organization at 15 years of age at flag operations office western United States. I was sent home after a summers work, because of the legal situation of not being 16 years of age and Hollywood High School would not admit me without my legal guardian living in Los Angeles.

I went back in 1976 and held the jobs of deputy flag representative ASHO Day, deputy flag representative AOLA, and deputy flag representative St.Louis.

I left when I received the new game for the year, which is the orders/goals for the new year. My understanding was that while these orders were tough to achieve, with extraordinary work we could achieve them. It was my job to enforce these orders. We were to clear the planet in one year, which basically means that the entire world would either join scientology and move up to a certain spiritual level or the great majority would accomplish this and be able to affect everyone else by their presence.

I could not reconcile within myself that I was supposed to enforce orders which I believed to be completely insane.

Larry Nobs


Published in: on May 30, 2011 at 10:47 pm  Leave a Comment  

Ex-Scientologist story #173, Tom De Vocht Walks the plank.

scientology_worseThe first allegation of violence by David Miscavige, head of Scientology and top wearer of Hubbard’s bathtub navy regalia, that I came across was in an affidavit by former Scientologist Vicki Aznaran in 1991.  She was a top-ranking member of the RTC.  Since then there have been repeated questions asked about Miscavige’s reign of terror but nothing of any great substance until the St. Petersburg Times, ran a series called, “The Truth Rundown,” in 2009.  Here is another one of the defectors, Tom De Vocht.  The following quotes from that news article.


Born: Belgium

Age: 45

Joined Scientology: At age 10, in 1974, when mother joined.

Left Scientology: 2005

Family status: Divorced from Sea Org member Jennifer Linson. They had no children.

Career highlights: Supervised numerous church construction projects in downtown Clearwater and, in later years, at the church compound in California. From 1986 through 2000, had administrative authority over Clearwater operations. Started working full-time for church at 14, as bellhop at Fort Harrison Hotel.

Now: Lives in Polk County. Buys and sells used furniture.

Quote: “I was at it for 28 years. … That was my life. Those were my friends. … I respect them. I still consider the vast majority of them my friends. I would love to hear from them. … I’ve never really seen it (Scientology practices) do any harm to anybody.

Even so Tom was made to walk the plank, literally.

Miscavige had the staffers line up at the diving board in their uniforms, and one by one, jump into the pool. Before each person went in, Norman Starkey, once the captain of the Apollo, called on them to be better spiritual beings. He recited a traditional Sea Org saying:

We commit your sins and errors to the deep and trust you will rise a better thetan.

Miscavige ordered the group to go to an office in their wet clothes and stay put until they figured out where they had failed.

Tom De Vocht says he can’t recall what angered Miscavige that chilly night early in 2005. But he well remembers the doubts that crept into his head as he sat wet and shivering.

What am I doing here?

De Vocht had joined the church with his mother when he was just 10 and rose to a top executive post at Scientology’s spiritual headquarters in Clearwater. But in the months after that mass dunking, he no longer recognized the organization.

Neither did Rinder, who went into the pool that night with De Vocht.

For the rest of the “Truth Rundown” go here: http://www.tampabay.com/news/article1012148.ece

To see Tom De Vocht and others on “Anderson Cooper 360.”

Published in: on May 29, 2011 at 9:46 pm  Leave a Comment  

Ex-Scientologist story #172, “What was Ron like?”



The late Steve Carmichael-Timson (d.2008) left Scientology sometime in 1999, in an internet post he gives credit to Stacy Brooks and “Ishmael,” for helping him shed the chains of Scientology.  Why did he leave?  Curiosity, among other things.  He wanted to know just what the “real” L. Ron Hubbard was like so he asked somebody who knew him; big mistake.

When I got back to the States, I decided to stay with my God-Mother, June Cline. June used to work with LRH, and she had left Scientology by this time. It was perfect. One morning we went out for breakfast.

These questions of LRH were bothering me, so I asked: “What was Ron like?”

“Oh, you don’t want to ask me.”

“No, I do. I want to know what this man is like.”

“If you want to get your answer, you should ask someone in the church.”

Actually, I don’t remember the conversation, but what I do remember, is that it took a long time to get her to answer my question. Finally, she said, “I thought he was a jerk. He knew what he wanted, and he did what ever it took to get it, at any expense. He had no care for the people, he just wanted to get what he wanted. I didn’t like him very much.”

That must of hit you really hard to hear that after being brought up to believe something else.

By Scientology terms, I began to think of myself in the condition of “Doubt.”

For conditions, that’s pretty low, and nobody really likes to be there. I think the toughest part of being in this condition, was telling my Scientology friends, my only friends. By saying I’m in doubt with Scientology, is like saying, I’m in doubt with having you as a friend. My friends didn’t take it so well. One of my best friends, Michael Coleman, wrote me a letter of disconnection, as I was no longer a safe person to talk to.

My father told me that he didn’t know if he and I should carry the father/son relationship we had. He chose the Church, at this time, over me. My friend Chris Currier called me up, and wanted me to say where I stood with Scientology. He said he wanted to hear it from the “horse’s mouth.”

Basically, I told him that I was on my way out of the church. He said, that he was disappointed to hear it, and said he was disconnecting from me. With some slight rage inside me, I told him that Scientology would never “Clear the planet.” When he asked why, I said “because there would always be someone like me around.” He called me an asshole, and that was the last we spoke.

I wonder if this is the reason people are reluctant to leave. They leave all their friends behind and if the only friends they have are from the Co$ then the feeling of loneliness and isolation must be terrible.

My father told me that he didn’t know if he and I should carry the father/son relationship we had. He chose the Church, at this time, over me.

To read the rest of that post go here: http://www.skeptictank.org/hs/lcos4.htm

To see some pictures Steve took at protests go here: http://www.xenu-directory.net/mirrors/www.whyaretheydead.net/misc/cambabes/index.html

Memorial page to Steve with a picture of him: http://www.friendsandrelations.com/html/detail.php/id/365/relations/steve_carmichael-timson.html

Published in: on May 29, 2011 at 8:51 pm  Leave a Comment  

Ex-Scientologist story #171, disconnection & “fair game.”

True Stories from a Nasty Cult.


Tom Padgett was a “Clear” in Scientology besides taking a number of other courses.  He studied Scientology at the Baton Rouge Mission, Clearwater Mission, FLAG, Cincinnati Org, and FCDC in Wash.DC.  He was a member for nine years, 1978 – 1987.  He says of his reasons for quiting Scientology:

I left in October of 1987. I remember the day well. It was a beautiful day in Washington, DC. Several Sea Org dudes were up from FLAG at the FCDC Org. They held me in a room for several hours trying to ‘handle’ my stall on the bridge. As a last resort they wanted me go online with the Celeb. Ctr, there in D.C. since I was strongly resisting, and resenting, their too in-your-face reg cycles. I recall, asking the 3 guys, ‘What’s the deal with the Navy Uniforms?’ I had told them that I had a year of Naval Reserve Officers Candidate schooling and was put off by the garb. They got snippy with me and I said ‘That’s it, I am out of here!’

 Upon leaving Scientology his Hubbard-bot wife disconnected from him and also withheld their children from seeing him.  This led to court hearings and the predictable “fair game'” by the sleazy cult.  They did everything they could to smear Tom, take his employment away and have him thrown into jail on bogus charges.  As usual in such cases Scientology behaved like total cretins and gathered up for themselves a large amount of negative publicity.  Here is Tom on the
Here is the rest of Tom’s exit statement: http://alley.ethercat.com/cgi-bin/door/door.cgi?9

And here is Tom’s website in which he gives details in the legal fight he had with Scientology.  http://www.madvillelaw.net/index.htm



Published in: on May 29, 2011 at 7:55 pm  Leave a Comment  

Ex-Scientologist story #170, “I reject that Scientology is a science.”

True Stories About a Fake Religion.


Mac Stevens of Newport, Oregon, wrote a long letter to renouncing his membership in Scientology, he did this in 20008 on the anniversary of the death of Lisa McPherson.   This is a rather long manifesto so I will just give a few samples of what he had to say.

I’ve been a Scientologist practically all my life.  I’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of my own hard-earned money on Scientology.  I’ve spent years studying Scientology courses.  I’m risking losing many friends.  I’m risking the Church ordering my own mother to never speak to me.  Speaking out as I am is not a
choice I made without much painful consideration.  I’m putting my ass on the line, looking like a traitor to Scientologists and looking like a brainwashed fool to everyone else.

I reject that Scientology is a science.  It is a science in the sense that it is an organized body of knowledge.  But in other subjects commonly known as sciences, such as chemistry or mathematics, the scientific method is continuously employed.  This means posing new hypotheses and trying new experiments to more accurately confirm or deny the hypotheses.  Testing and
questioning is ongoing.  No law is sacred.  Anything is open for revision if new observation warrants it.  In Scientology, this is not allowed.  So it’s misleading to call Scientology a science.  If you corrupted a math book or a chemistry book that was in use, sooner or later, the corruption would lead to a failure in practice and the corruption would be traced down and corrected.  And anyone competent in the field could do that.  Applied mathematics and chemistry, by the way, can be very dangerous.  But this does not warrant the existence of a central authority to keep math and chemistry pure, to own the trademarks on the square root symbol, the periodic table of the elements, “Mathematics(TM)”, “Chemistry(TM)”, or “Chemist(TM)”.. .

Mac has questions, a lot of them, here are a few:

 What kind of friend would leave you because someone else told them they had to?

    Why is there not an early-detection system for Suppressive Persons?  Why does it take ten or twenty years sometimes to discover them?
    Are your statistics more important than you?  When you’re upset, who is there for you, free of charge?  When you succeed at something you really wanted to do yourself, who cares?

If all you cared about was doing the right thing, you didn’t care who was looking, what would you be doing?  How much of what you are doing is based on following orders or going with the flow, and how much is based on what you truly believe to be right?  Why do you need so many orders?

    How many bulk mail items do you receive?  How many phone calls?  How many e-mails?  Do you want them?

    How many HCOBs do you know of that you seriously doubt that LRH wrote?  Did you verify he did?  How did you verify it?

    What are your crimes?  Hmmmm?  Think about it.  What are your crimes, really?  Ok, scratch that.  Answer this.  How do your crimes stack up against your contributions?

For the full document go here: http://home.earthlink.net/~stevensm/scn/scn_open_ltr_2008_12_05.txt

Published in: on May 29, 2011 at 11:09 am  Leave a Comment  

Sex in Scientology, -the tone scale is not a vibrator.

Published in: on May 28, 2011 at 11:18 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Un-Funny Truth About Scientology

Published in: on May 28, 2011 at 10:52 pm  Leave a Comment  

Jesse Prince, update.

To read Jesse’s blog here is the link: http://princejesse53.blogspot.com/2011/03/im-back-in-saddle-again.html

Here is Jesse in Germany at the Hamburg Symposium of 2010.



Published in: on May 28, 2011 at 9:32 pm  Leave a Comment  

Ex-Scientolgist story #169, Jesse Prince, Welcome to the RPF.

True Stories of a Fake Religion.

Jessie Prince made it close to the top in Scientology, at one time he was Inspector General, Ext., RTC.  Here he says in his own words about his introduction to the bridge in Scientology. 

My auditing in Scientology started at the big blue Scientology complex in Los Angeles, the complex that used to be Cedars of Lebanon Hospital before Scientology bought it. . This was back in 1976. At that time I had been in Scientology for less than four months and I didn’t like it. So I told a guy named Wayne Marple that I wanted to leave Scientology and the Sea Org. Wayne was a member of the Commodore’s Messenger Org, or CMO, which meant it was like talking directly to LRH himself when you talked to Wayne. I was only twenty-two, and I sure didn’t know anything about how the CMO or the Sea Org worked.

Now you have to understand that what I didn’t know at the time was this: Wayne Marple was in charge of renovating the entire complex of buildings that Scientology had just purchased for cash. He needed a huge construction crew, and he wasn’t about to let anyone go once he had his hands on them. That included me.

Within minutes of my announcement, I was hauled away by no less than five Sea Org guys, all RPFers, who locked me in a room. They told me the only way I would be allowed to leave Scientology or the Sea Org was via the Rehabilitation Project Force – the RPF. I thought this was a joke. There was no way I could be held prisoner by these people I hardly knew. My first thought was to escape and run to the police. But I couldn’t get away. I was physically hauled off to the RPF and there was nothing I could do. I was a little skinny kid back then. These were big, strong, crazy guys who took me away and I was scared of them.

As the days and weeks went by I came to feel there was no escape for me. I was under guard day and night, locked in a room on the seventh floor of the building known as Lebanon Hall, writing up O/Ws under orders of Wayne Marple. Being just barely twenty-two, I started to freak out. I told my captors I just wanted to go home. I begged them to please just let me leave. But these RPFers just laughed. They told me I had to do the RPF auditing program to get out and the sooner I started it the sooner I’d get out. I tried to explain to them that I didn’t want auditing or Scientology at all, that it was not for me, but to no avail. Emotional trauma aside, I decided I had to start doing something to get out and if that something was auditing, then I’d better get started.

That was how I got started on the Bridge to Total Freedom.

There are a number of videos of Jesse Prince on YouTube, here is one from Clearwater, 1998:

Published in: on May 28, 2011 at 9:14 pm  Leave a Comment